Digital Forensic: Analysis Logs

This time I'll try for a little tutorial about analyzing the log message. Files can be downloaded here
The first step is to look at the contents and permissions of the file and extract


Let's have a look at one log entry. We pipe the output of cat to the command
head n1 so That We only get the 1st line:

to see a whole using the command

cat messages * | less

if we want to see from the date we can type

tac messages * | awk '{print $ 1 "" $ 2}' | less

awk is a programming language that is on linux. It will come out look like this

type the following scrip to look at another date

tac messages * | awk '{print $ 1 "" $ 2}' | uniq | less

all dates are stored in the log will appear.
to browse dati that date, we can use the command

tac messages * | grep "Nov 4"

command is used to display messages that are on the 4th of November

As we look through the log files, we may come across entries That Appear
suspect. Perhaps we need to gather all the entries containing the That We see
string "Did not receive identification string from <IP>" for further analysis.

tac messages * | grep 'identification string' | less

we can simply use the variable "$ NF", the which means "number of fields". Since
The IP is the last field, its field number is equal to the number of fields:

tac messages * | grep 'identification string' | awk '{print $ 1 "" $ 2 "" $ 3 "" $ NF}' | less

This can all be redirected to an analysis log or text file for easy Addition
to a report (note that "> report.txt" creates the report file, ">> report.txt"
appends to it). The Following commands are typed on one line each:

echo "Localhost123: Log entries from /var/log/messages" > report.txt
echo "\"Did not receive identification string\":" >> report.txt
tac messages* | grep "identification string" | awk '{print $1" "$2"\t"$3”\t"$NF}' >> report.txt
echo "Unique IP addresses:" >> report.txt
tac messages* | grep "identification string" | awk '{print $NF}' | sort -u >> report.txt

Finish, hopefully in this tutorial, there are no mistakes, if there is an add please :)


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