
Showing posts from March, 2012

Digital Forensic: Analysis

The next article , I 'll try to give a little tutorial how to analyze . certainly still part of the digital forensic . Download the file here The first step is the analysis organization Analysis organization root@bt:~# dd if=practical.floppy.dd of=/dev/fd0 then output is create a folder

Digital Forensic: Data Carving

still keep the spirit I will try to demonstrate how to carve a data, you can download the file here ( to learn ) If the file is opened, an error occurs such as  

Unallocated Space

we often hear the word unallocated space . for that I will discuss this time . Unallocated space is the available disk space and are not allocated to any volume . Type of volume you can create on the unallocated space depends on the type of disk . On a basic disk , you can use the unallocated space to

EXE file structure

I 'll try to explain how a structure file extension .EXE. EXE is a common file extension indicates an executable file ( program) in the DOS , OpenVMS , Microsoft Windows , Symbian , and others. In addition to the executable program , many EXE files contain other components called resources, such as bitmaps and icons which the executable program to be able

Magic Number

One way to include metadata , often associated with Unix and its derivatives , is just to keep the "magic number " in the file itself . Basically the term is used for a particular set of 2- byte identifier at the beginning of the file , each sequence can be regarded as undecoded binary numbers, for it is a feature of a unique file format distinguishes it could be used for identification .

Slack Space

Slack space is a form of internal fragmentation , which is wasted space on your hard disk . When a file is written to disk it is stored in the " beginning" of the cluster . A cluster is defined as a set of logically contiguous sectors and the smallest amount of disk space that can be allocated to store the file . Rarely equal or match between the available space in the cluster and the number of bytes in the file . The remaining bytes in the cluster is not used , then the name of the slack space .

Filesystem Structure

For this time I will explain about a system file structure there are some that I will explain , among others, are : FAT16 FAT32 NTFS EXT2 EXT3 starting from the first , which is FAT16   FAT16 we start from the first FAT . What is FAT ? FAT File System that is used in Windows Operating System . FAT 's name comes from the use of tables that focus on areas where information is empty or may not be used . To limit the size of the table , the disk space allocated to files in hardware sector groups are adjacent , so-called developing cluster. When disk drive , the maximum number of clusters also

Master Boot Record (MBR)

I 'll try to explain about Master Boot Record. What is a Master Boot Record? Master Boot Record ( MBR ) is a type of boot sector is located on a Computer. It consists of a sequence of 512 bytes are located in the first sector of data storage devices like hard disks . MBR is usually placed on a storage device designed for use with IBM PC compatible with the system.

DVWA:Command Execution(Update)

here I will try to gain root access to the target of dvwa. Here the target is also backtrack ^ _ ^ and security level medium just enter the command as below, & ls then we will get a list of directories

Metasploit's AutoPWN in BeEF

After receiving an explanation about browser exploitation . I will try to repeat what I understand about the beef and autoPWN just go and do a search on metasploit autoPWN , the display looks like this

Beef and Metasploit (2)

i will try to explore more deeply about the beef and metasploit entered the scenario open beef and send an alert