Msfpayload and Msfencode (Update)

Msfpayload is one of the tools included with the Metasploit Framework. It can be used to the make the payload. Adjusted for the period, first select one of the many charges Including the core framework. Then give the parameters for the charge and the output format you want, so it can be said of this tool is to generate a custom payload we want. You can take the file generated in the exploitation of its own and is written in C, Ruby, Perl, Java or other languages​​. msfpayload also has the ability to create executable programs. It is used by who Attackers want to get full access to the target machine. It is also useful for who attackers want to use the charge Meterpreter, IDS and forensic

examples of the use of:


Msfencode is another effective tool with the Metasploit framework. Msfencode using machine language and
would obscure the encoders use one that comes with
frame. This will return a mutated version of msfpayload
good code, raw Ruby, or C. But unlike msfpayload,
msfencode not support execution (option X) format for the
the output. To generate the executable payload that has been encoded with msfencode, there are several options, among others:
1) Change msfencode Ruby code to support the execution object
2) Create a standard format and then use a hex editor to put them into the Windows PE format
3) Generate C code, modify it slightly to call the payload, and

more cool again, difficult to read by antivirus msfencode, to think what a long long time :)

examples of the use of:

in this post, I'll add a command that is crafted for a file, this time I demonstrated a calculator just type the command as below,

there are number 7, it is how much we crafted file

we try to go to exploit multi handler, type the command exploit. and what happens?

we get to the target system ^_^


  1. try to completely command.. ^

    ./msfpayload ***** | ./msfencode ******
    [*] x86/shikata_ga_nai succeeded with size 333 (iteration=1)
    [*] x86/shikata_ga_nai succeeded with size 341 (iteration=2)
    [*] x86/shikata_ga_nai succeeded with size 375 (iteration=3)
    [*] x86/shikata_ga_nai succeeded with size 395 (iteration=4)
    [*] x86/shikata_ga_nai succeeded with size 412 (iteration=5)
    (the report will appear with crafted file five times)

  2. okay wait a while longer
    I will update this post ^_^


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