
Showing posts from 2012

Digital Forensic: Analysis Logs

This time I'll try for a little tutorial about analyzing the log message. Files can be downloaded here The first step is to look at the contents and permissions of the file and extract  

Digital Forensic: Analysis

The next article , I 'll try to give a little tutorial how to analyze . certainly still part of the digital forensic . Download the file here The first step is the analysis organization Analysis organization root@bt:~# dd if=practical.floppy.dd of=/dev/fd0 then output is create a folder

Digital Forensic: Data Carving

still keep the spirit I will try to demonstrate how to carve a data, you can download the file here ( to learn ) If the file is opened, an error occurs such as  

Unallocated Space

we often hear the word unallocated space . for that I will discuss this time . Unallocated space is the available disk space and are not allocated to any volume . Type of volume you can create on the unallocated space depends on the type of disk . On a basic disk , you can use the unallocated space to

EXE file structure

I 'll try to explain how a structure file extension .EXE. EXE is a common file extension indicates an executable file ( program) in the DOS , OpenVMS , Microsoft Windows , Symbian , and others. In addition to the executable program , many EXE files contain other components called resources, such as bitmaps and icons which the executable program to be able

Magic Number

One way to include metadata , often associated with Unix and its derivatives , is just to keep the "magic number " in the file itself . Basically the term is used for a particular set of 2- byte identifier at the beginning of the file , each sequence can be regarded as undecoded binary numbers, for it is a feature of a unique file format distinguishes it could be used for identification .

Slack Space

Slack space is a form of internal fragmentation , which is wasted space on your hard disk . When a file is written to disk it is stored in the " beginning" of the cluster . A cluster is defined as a set of logically contiguous sectors and the smallest amount of disk space that can be allocated to store the file . Rarely equal or match between the available space in the cluster and the number of bytes in the file . The remaining bytes in the cluster is not used , then the name of the slack space .

Filesystem Structure

For this time I will explain about a system file structure there are some that I will explain , among others, are : FAT16 FAT32 NTFS EXT2 EXT3 starting from the first , which is FAT16   FAT16 we start from the first FAT . What is FAT ? FAT File System that is used in Windows Operating System . FAT 's name comes from the use of tables that focus on areas where information is empty or may not be used . To limit the size of the table , the disk space allocated to files in hardware sector groups are adjacent , so-called developing cluster. When disk drive , the maximum number of clusters also

Master Boot Record (MBR)

I 'll try to explain about Master Boot Record. What is a Master Boot Record? Master Boot Record ( MBR ) is a type of boot sector is located on a Computer. It consists of a sequence of 512 bytes are located in the first sector of data storage devices like hard disks . MBR is usually placed on a storage device designed for use with IBM PC compatible with the system.

DVWA:Command Execution(Update)

here I will try to gain root access to the target of dvwa. Here the target is also backtrack ^ _ ^ and security level medium just enter the command as below, & ls then we will get a list of directories

Metasploit's AutoPWN in BeEF

After receiving an explanation about browser exploitation . I will try to repeat what I understand about the beef and autoPWN just go and do a search on metasploit autoPWN , the display looks like this

Beef and Metasploit (2)

i will try to explore more deeply about the beef and metasploit entered the scenario open beef and send an alert

Auxiliary on Metasploit (2)

since my last post was the same as one of his students . I try to use another auxiliary ie tcp portscan just go and select a metasploit auxiliary tcp portscan setting all the options as shown below

Beef and Metasploit

here I try to visualize what we can do with beef ,  

Auxiliary on Metasploit

We just discussed about how the use of auxiliary in metasploit. auxiliary which is part of metasploit . need not linger long , open the console and type the command msfconsole

Social Engineering and SET

What Exactly Is Social Engineering?   Actual social engineering technique is not nothing but a deceptive techniques is another human being. The goal is to get something he wanted. Not only in the form of money or property only, but many of Things Such as information, power, victory, and more. Social engineering activity in the IT world can not be separated from human manipulation interact the computer by using a combination of Various techniques Such as spy, steal, lie, distort facts, and more. Attackers using social engineering usually do not need a set of advanced tools or software can solve difficult, That codes. Required in the process is the understanding of this attack is psychological condition of the target, and of course also Eloquence.

Msfpayload and Msfencode (Update)

Msfpayload is one of the tools included with the Metasploit Framework . It can be used to the make the payload . Adjusted for the period , first select one of the many charges Including the core framework. Then give the parameters for the charge and the output format you want, so it can be said of this tool is to generate a custom payload we want . You can take the file generated in the exploitation of its own and is written in C , Ruby , Perl , Java or other languages ​​. msfpayload also has the ability to create executable programs . It is used by who Attackers want to get full access to the target machine . It is also useful for who attackers want to use the charge Meterpreter , IDS and forensic examples of the use of:  

Linux Exploit - Stack Overflow

Meet again , do not ever get bored with me yeah ? on my post this time , will explain how we exploit linux , to stack overflow . just open a terminal and type as shown below .

File Sharing Wizard

This time I will be demonstrating the exploitation of SEH another application is file sharing wizard , just download the application here . still like the previous post , I use OllyDbg as the media to see the processes that occur therein . before we look for vulnerability to sniffing tools , wireshark , is carried out to find loopholes that will be our exploitation . I need not explain how to use wireshark ,

BigAnt Server

I'll see you again :) The next is to learn about the exploitation of SEH, which I practice today is to use a direct return just to try it. this is a big application server that will be our ant exploitation, OllyDbg is open on the application, and attachkan prosess antServer, our next step is to make the application to crash, with a script / fuzzer follows.


For the umpteenth time that I would ruin a music player application :) just please download the application here vuplayer. we try to find any information on this application, it turns out there feature to enter the playlist, enter a url and so on, we try to load playlist. pls with the file that we will create the perl language, just huddled over a script like this  

Mini Stream RM-MP3 converter

yess, this time I will demonstrate how to exploit rm-mp3 converter just in the discussion. The first thing we do is find an exploit on exploit-db,

WAR-FTPD & Exploits (3)

After I explore more deeply , and get input from our friends , it turns out that my input payload there is little problem , for more details, just write the code below.     then run the script and do the telnet python fuzzer

WAR-FTPD & Exploits (2)

Most incoming tutorial we wait , the exploitation of WAR - ftpd . We just into the discussion, for the exploitation of this application using the method previously fuzzing first copy the script below. #!/usr/bin/python import socket s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) buffer="\x41"*1000 s.connect(('',21)) data=s.recv(1024) print("sending dummy data to USER.") s.send('USER '+buffer+'\r\n') data=s.recv(1024) s.send('PASS PASSWORD '+'\r\n') s.close() print("Okayy..!") script above is the weapon we will use later, scrip is written using python language. save with the name

WAR-FTPD & Exploits (1)

H ow to install the WAR - ftpd? here I will explain how to install the WAR - ftpd exploits that we will later :) just follow the steps in the picture:

Register Memory

Registers are memory size is very small with very high- speed access . Registers used to store data and instructions are being processed , while that data and other instructions waiting to be processed are stored in main memory . we see the following register memory EAX , EBX , ECX and EDX are called "General Purpose Register" . These registers are 32- bit register , if you melkukan cracking a 16- bit program that involved the Register is AX , BX , CX and DX . and this register can be broken - broken . further  

Explanation of OllyDbg

As in the previous tutorial , OllyDbg is a debugger program which is quite popular among the search / cracker serial number :) Just listened to the explanation immediately . we try to directly attach the file which we will exploit warftpd :) attach a position to do while running the application warftpd , to open himself made directly to the file . exe  

How to Install OllyDbg

OllyDbg is a software or tool which is used to download the debug an application , typically used to crack serial number :) This software can be downloaded for free on the official website . This software is only about +- 1mb only, so it is very lightly used . Use of Olly debugger is also very easy , no need to install , because the program . Exe straight road . just move or send Olly debugger into virtual xp . extract files to the drive before you search program OllyDbg click 2 times .

Fuzzing and Fuzzer

Fuzzing What the heck is fuzzing ? Fuzzing is one of the methods of finding bugs in applications. With fuzzing method , an attacker trying to send data2 are not concrete in the hope that application will experience a crash or failure in the operation . When an application crashes , then an attacker can exploit these loopholes to control the victim computer .

Introduction TOR Project & Proxychains

TOR Project Tor protects you by bouncing your communications in a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all over the world : it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, and it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location . Tor works with many existing applications , including web browsers , instant messaging clients , remote login , and other applications based on TCP protocol . Tor is free software and open network that helps you defend against a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy , confidential business activities and relationships , and state security known as traffic analysis .

Introduction Maltego

What is maltego ? Maltego are tools for OSINT (Open Source Intelligence Gathering ) , so OSINT is a method of searching the information available to the public and then analyzed and used for certain purposes maltego also an open- source intelligence and forensics application . This allows for the mining and gathering information and presenting this information in a meaningful way .

Bypass fbip

Almost an hour just work especial bypass , and I found also , just enter the url   fill in the username with the query :   'Or 0 = 0 #

SQL Injection dvwa

Still the spirit of course , we will try SQL injection technique this time , to the target itself is our first try with a standard query ' or'1 = 1

Google Hacking

Google hacking occurs when someone adds a further or more operators in the Google search engine to find a specific string of text in the search results . one can find the address or anything with more specific How to check Google hacking vulnerabilities The easiest way to check if your web site & applications have vulnerabilities hackers Google , is to use a Web Vulnerability Scanner . A Web Vulnerability Scanner scans your entire Web site and automatically checks for pages identified by Google hacking queries . ( Note: Web vulnerability scanner you should be able to launch queries Google hack ).


On the post yesterday, I will discuss mkfifo , this was done because the ubuntu -e parameter can not walk , was caused by a version of the traditional NC :) just enter the terminal on previous ubuntu create a file with the name of the folder test oye . And then execute it with command :   sh test / oye | nc - l 1000 > test / oye  

What is Shodan?

Shodan is a search engine that gives information about the service that runs on all devices connected to the internet either include a router , server or computer with public IP addresses . There we can get various information we need here we will try to find information about:

Update NC

This time I want to update the blog before, which is about NC . After hearing about the explanation of the NC , NC turns on ubuntu is open BSD , so it can not, we will discuss about the BSD open later :) For that we send to the computer ubuntu NC . I will try to apply in this post what has been described . We just open a terminal on the target computer , here I use ubuntu as a target . Bactrack open terminal , then look for where NC is by typing the command: whereis nc

How to send cymothoa into the virtual machine ubuntu?

How to transfer cymotoa from backtrack to ubuntu with Netcat? The first thing to consider is whether you have backtrack connect to virtual machine ubuntu ? D o check with a way to ping , I 've tried everything to find the appropriate steps to send cymothoa ubuntu into a virtual machine , but until now has not found the right way to move a whole folder , for that I try with this step, we will send a file to a virtual machine ubuntu cymothoa.c us , sender then type the command:   Nc - l-p 55555 < cymothoa.c  

Privilege Escalation (2)

In my previous post I promised to discuss how to cracking passwords with john the ripper. before entering the phase of cracking, I will introduce what it is john the ripper. John the Ripper is a fast password cracker. There are some important things to JTR   [Passfile] - The name of the password file you [Wordlist] - Collection of the words [Output] - Results decrypt passwords - Password File example: password.txt - vmware: $ 1 $ 7nwi9F / D $ AkdCcO2UfsCOM0IC8BYBb /: 14042:0:99999:7:::   Obama: $ 1 $ hvDHcCfx $ pj78hUduionhij9q9JrtA0: 14041:0:99999:7:::   osama: $ 1 $ Kqiv9qBp $ eJg2uGCrOHoXGq0h5ehwe.: 14041:0:99999:7::: yomama: $ 1 $ tI4FJ.kP $ wgDmweY9SAzJZYqW76oDA.: 14041:0:99999:7:::

Privilege Escalation

Target this time is / etc / shadow in the server , first of all do information gathering, I use nmap , after receiving information , then we match it with the tools vunlnerability scanner , I use nessus

Exploitation windows in virtualbox

This time I will discuss how to exploit a system in virtualbox . first of all do information gathering, here I use nmap ,    

ExploitDB search

E xploitDB is a collection of exploits , and should we update this exploitDB to obtain the latest exploits , already obtain an overview of the use of exploitDB it's just that the meeting had not yet had time to execute just what we are looking for services that run on our target open exploitDB type the command: ./searchsploit apache HTTP  

How to use nessus?

This post will discuss about how to use nessus . The first open nessus by typing the command / etc / init.d /n essusd start   open a browser and go to localhost with port 8834 or can also use the URL

Information gathering

I will try to find information about websites try the tools I use are dnsenum type the following command . /

How to install nessus on backtrack?

A little tutorial how to install nessus on backtrack , I immediately open a terminal type   apt - get install nessus

Information Gathering

T his time I will talk about information gathering, information gathering is divided into 2 of the technical and non technical factors technical factors are also to be 2, Direct (active ) and indirrect (passive ) Is our understanding of the active search for information directly to the target with tools and passive is the use of a bridge or a third person in committing or search for target information such as search engines. For non- technical factors themselves can use social enginering ( cheat ) The following is how mendapatkann information by using a direct technique or jump directly to the target I tried using tools zenmap open tools zenmap

How to connect the host and guest on virtualbox in backtrack? (2)

After several hours of messing tweaking eventually backtrack from IS2C road is also on my computer. This is the second post from me. Here I will proceed on the matter yesterday, about how to connect the host and guest in virtual box, this as an alternative in the post yesterday if you are still confused. The sfirst step is to create a virtual machine first. Open VirtualBox and click New Open a window, then click next

How to connect the host and guest in virtualbox backtrack?

Still felt touched what should I do , because I have not backtrack also found a solution for blank screen .  I try to write what I know about how to connect the host and guest . just the first step create a virtual machine as the destination all configurations . Finish creating a virtual machine. And set in the server machine - nano / etc / network / interfaces